By Dr. Joti Samra, CEO & Founder of the Psychological Health & Safety (PH&S) Clinic and MyWorkplaceHealth Motivation Tips: How to Take Advantage of New Seasons
Doesn’t it seem that as soon as Winter ends, you’re full of so much more energy and motivation? You aren’t imagining it; seasonal changes have a very real impact on our energy levels which easily translates into motivation in the spring. So, as the weather changes, let’s take advantage of the motivation boost we’re given by establishing some concrete goals. Why are our motivation levels impacted by the weather? Our emotions can be directly impacted by our environment. The weather is part of our physical environment! Like other animals, we humans spend most of the winter in more of a “hibernation” or energy-saving mode – and once the sun comes out, it’s a catalyst that pulls out our intrinsic motivation. The increasing length of days and a greater proportion of daylight as we move into spring and summer has a tangible, positive impact on our physical levels of energy and by extension our motivation levels. Spring symbolizes so much – freshness, new beginnings, growth – and it gets us mobilized for action! As the late Robin Williams so eloquently states, Spring is nature’s way of saying ‘let’s party!’. There’s a reason we get more motivated at this time of year to ’spring clean’ or get motivated to exercise more in pursuit of the elusive ’summer body’. Despite feeling all of this extra pep, you want to be mindful of not being overly ambitious with your expectations – here are my tips to optimize setting goals that you will succeed in achieving! Motivation Tips: How to take advantage of spring motivation
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PH&S ClinicEnhancing psychological health, wellness and resilience Archives
January 2025
Mental Health